








3. 坚持学习。请继续响应“停课不停学”的线上教学活动,调整作息,实名上课,积极与老师交流互动,不打折扣完成各项作业。在线上学习中学有所得、学有所获。

4.静待开学。据中国外交部消息,中国决定自2020年3月28日0时起,暂时停止外国人持目前有效来华签证和居留许可入境。同时,中国学校已推迟春季学期开学时间,这是遏制病毒传播的关键步骤。南京市“关于做好境外疫情输入防控工作的通告(第16号)” 也要求“外国留学生在学校复学前不得自行返校”。如未经学校允许私自返回中国,不仅将受到学校的处分,也可能需要承担相应的法律责任。目前中国各地出入境要求入境人员在指定地点进行隔离,费用自己承担。所以,请各位同学耐心等待学校发布的正式开学通知。





A Letter to International Students of NUFE

Dear international students,

Greetings from Nanjing University of Finance and Economics!

As you know, COVID-19 is spreading all over the world now. WHO has already announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic. At the same time, China is still at a critical stage fighting against the COVID-19.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic in January, you have actively supported the prevention and control of the Chinese government, complied with epidemic prevention regulations of our University, and provided feedback on personal information timely. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support. Your safety and health are our greatest concern. Whether you are in China or not at the moment, we all hope you will take good care of yourselves and your families and work with us to jointly address the challenge of the epidemic.

Therefore, we call on you to cooperate with us in the following works.

1. Keep firm confidence. We hope that all of you have a scientific understanding of COVID-19. Do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, do not be panic, face the challenge with a good attitude and firmly believe that mankind will overcome the epidemic.

2. Effective self-protection. Please stay where you are and avoid moving across regions if you don’t have a necessary purpose.Pay attention to personal hygiene.If you are currently in a country or region with a high incidence of the epidemic, please take all necessary precautions to avoid mass gatherings to keep off the virus. Wear masks if you have to go out. Do not hesitate to consult teachers if you have any questions about prevention.

3. Keep learning. Please continue responding to the online “No Class Suspension” teaching activities. Adjust your schedule and take classes under your real name, interact with your teachers and complete all your assignments. You will benefit greatly from the online learning.

4. Wait for formal notifications. According to a notification from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, China has decided to temporarily stop foreigners from entering China with valid visas and residence permits from 0:00 AM on March 28, 2020. At the same time, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics has decided to postpone the start time of the spring semester, which is a key measure we take to prevent and control COVID-19. The latest notice issued by Nanjing Municipal Government emphasized again that international students abroad are not allowed to come back to China before getting the official semester opening notice. The student who comes back without approval, will not only be punished by our university but also may have to bear legal liability. Now some airports require people coming from foreign countries to take quarantine in designated hotels where all the costs need to be paid by themselves.

For the sake of your personal safety as well as the public interest, do not return to China before the time which is officially issued by our university, please wait for formal notifications patiently.

If the restrictions are lifted, we hope you can obey the rules that we have set about returning to school: report your flight information in advance; have good self-protections on the way; understand the special measures adopted by China in the emergency period and obey the arrangements of school staff.

We expect the epidemic will be over very soon and meet you at the NUFE campus as soon as possible! Thank you for your understanding and support!

International Education College of NUFE

March 29, 2020

上一条:关于外国留学生HSK-4和HSK-5替代性考试安排及注意事项 下一条:中国外交部关于暂停外国公民入境中国的通知